Wednesday, February 5, 2014

RunViz - Chicago Marathon Analytics

Crossing the 26.2 miles at the finish line amid the cheering crowd and loud music in addition to the adrenaline rush through the body brings excitement and a great joy to every Marathon Runner. It is a great accomplishment to cherish. 

Anytime of the day when you go out into the streets, there is a greater chance that you will spot a runner. Running as a sport, became popular when U.S. won the first Olympic gold medal in 1972 marathon. More and more people are taking up running and are participating in different races including; 5K, 10K, Half marathon, and Full marathons. 

Analyzing the runner's data from Chicago Marathon and using Tableau Software, I was able to answer the following questions:
  •       Who is running and who is winning?
  •       Countries participation and winners?
  •       Ideal temperature for runners?

Enjoy RunViz! and thanks for your voting!
RunViz - Winner of Tableau User Group Contest !